Junior Events

The ACKCSC is committed to its junior handlers. The goal of the ACKCS Junior Showmanship program is to promote and encourage juniors to participate in the sport of AKC purebred dog events with Cavaliers, and to become active in the ACKCSC. Nationals Week offers many opportunities for junior handlers – to compete, to learn and to be social. It’s a time to connect with friends and competitors from across the country.

Learn more about the ACKCS Junior Showmanship Program: Juniors – ACKCSC

Enjoy some down time with your fellow junior handlers during our Junior’s seminar. It’s an educational seminar wrapped in a Party!

Date: Wednesday, April 16
Eligibility: Age 9-18. Need not be entered in competitive events to attend.
Cost: $1
Event Chair:  Bev Hofschulte

Additional Juniors Activities During Nationals Week

ThursdayNational Specialty Junior Showmanship competition
ThursdayTop 10 Awards – an ACKCSC rosette and certificate will be presented to the Top 10 ranked Cavalier junior handlers
FridayIndependent Specialty Junior Showmanship competition

ACKCSC Junior Showmanship Benefits

ACKCSC Junior Showmanship $500 Stipends for the National Specialty!

The American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club has various scholarships, stipends and other benefits available to support its Cavalier Junior Handlers. The stipends recognize and support our Cavalier Junior Handlers achievements in the Junior Showmanship ring. Find out more about these scholarships & stipends here:  Juniors – ACKCSC

One of the stipends offered to our Cavalier Junior Handlers by the ACKCSC to help Junior Handlers is a $500 stipend to attend and show at the ACKCSC National Specialty. The stipend does not require that the junior or his/her parents be members of the ACKCSC. The requirements are simple:

  1. Applicant must be between ages of 9 and 19.
  2. Stipend will be awarded (paid) at the ACKCSC National Specialty.
  3. Junior must provide a copy of their official school transcripts from the 2 most current semesters showing a cumulative GPA of a 3.0 or equivalent.
  4. Applicant must provide evidence, in a manner which can be confirmed with AKC records, of their interest and participation in showing Cavaliers by competing in a combination of Junior Showmanship and dog show breed or performance competition.
  5. Applicant should include information on additional activities with a Cavalier i.e. regional club, community service, therapy, rescue, education, etc. This information will be used in deliberation process but is not a requirement to qualify for the award.
  6. Applicant must submit a 1-2 page essay describing his/her experience with, and interest in Cavaliers.
  7. Applicant must apply on an official ACKCSC application form which must be received no later than March 1st for that year’s National Specialty.  Official form may be found here: ACKCSC National Specialty Stipend Form – ACKCSC 
And there’s more! Juniors have become a special part of our National Specialty, including:
  • Top 10 Awards: An ACKCSC Rosette and certificate be presented to The Top 10 Cavalier Jrs (ACKCSC Statistics) each year at the National Specialty.
  • No entry fees for Junior Showmanship classes at the ACKCSC National Specialty Show.
  • Junior Seminar All are welcome to attend with their Cavalier during National week. This fun and educational event gives Juniors the opportunity to learn and connect with other Cavalier Juniors from around the country.
Wondering How to Show in Juniors Competition?
  • Reminders: The only requirements for AKC “Juniors Dogs” are:
    Spayed and neutered or intact specimens are eligible for competition
  • Dogs may be PAL/ILP, Full-, or Limited-Registered.

Check out the ACKCSC.ORG website for more information